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Liberty Health Share: All The Reasons To At Least Look

by John on 06/21/2014

(Update 08/17/2018)

Liberty Health Share just makes sense for me.

My monthly health care cost/payments dropped from $700 to $350 a month for my wife Teri and me. Our unpaid upfront costs (deductibles in insurance terms) went from $6,500 to $1,500 a year.

I know many of you have costs much higher than mine. So why not take a look.

In this post I will share with you my journey to finding the right health care plan. It will consist of 20 different radio segments where I interview Dale Bellis, the Co-Founder of Liberty Health Share.

If you want to get answers by exploring Liberty Health Share online, then go to this page and hit the Enroll tab. Once you have signed up, which costs you nothing, enter your medical history. Someone will contact you to go over your options. Again, this costs you nothing.

However, if you need more info I can lay out for you the many questions you have along with the answers you need.

Here is how I got involved thanks to my radio show.

I interviewed Dr. Elaina George about Obamacare Distortions, a running series of radio shows I produce.

(For the record: I think Obamacare had good intentions but fails because of the lack of free market in the health insurance industry. My views are best explained in this book review I did of Catastrophic Care by David Goldhill.)

If you listen to the show, you will hear me probe the problems doctors have with Obamacare; mainly that insurance companies are making the decisions for doctors and patients. I then asked Dr. George if there were any solutions and she mentions Liberty Health Share. I asked her to explain Liberty Health Share which I thought would take about a minute or so. But what I heard made me throw out the rest of the questions I had planned. I remember saying to myself, “So there is something out there as an alternative.”

After the interview, I went to the Liberty Health Share site and I enrolled and then entered my medical history, as I suggested you do above.

Then I started with my own questions pertaining to me as a man in good health but in his 50s. I got my answers. Plus, I realized how Liberty Health Share fits into the business model of NOWtv. I actually sell Liberty Health Share. You can sign up through me. And disclosure here: I will get commissions off people I bring to Liberty Health Share. You can too. I can get you involved as well.)

But I also wanted to get the answers I received and needed to others using my platform here.

That’s when I asked Dale Bellis to allow me to interview him.

As you will hear in these segments, some of which are very quick, I hit on specific topics to not waste your time.

So here they are.

This is my opening segment with Dale. It’s called Liberty Health Share: An alternative to Obamacare. The title might be a little misleading since Liberty Health Share is legal under Obamacare, as you will hear in this episode.

Many of you just want to know how it works and how it reduces your medical costs and why costs have dropped for Liberty Health Share members. In this segment, we go in-depth on the three programs Liberty Health Share offers. And Dale explains how Liberty Health Share is different from health insurance.

What I wanted to know next was how viable of a company or business model Liberty Health Share is. In this segment, Dale gets into the economics behind Liberty Health Share and the complex computer algorithms behind the system. And then I made Dale go into detail about the Liberty Health Share reimbursement formula, or the secret sauce, for doctors and hospitals.

Two of the biggest questions I get about Liberty Health Share, and Dale answered, were about preventative care being covered and how Liberty Health Share deals with pre-existing conditions.

Liberty Health Share is also a community. Members decide the costs collectively. Members can also give to others beyond their monthly cost sharing. Here Dale gives me an example of how out of pocket expenses are determined by members collectively.

Still, there are some warnings about Liberty Health Share from different states; Dale explains them here and why he likes these warnings. And you have to adhere or agree to a certain set of beliefs that are not onerous or self-righteous. (Hey it’s me, folks. Do you think I would join an organization that limits freedom?)

There is a big part of me that thinks Liberty Health Share can change America. Dale, as you will hear here, tones down my optimism a bit. Still, I believe Liberty Health Share is the right choice for people who want to be pro-active rather than reactive in their lives. There are critics out there. There are also people out there that Liberty Health Share might not be the answer. I encourage you to Google Liberty Health Share and medical cost sharing ministries and read for yourself using the Informed Not Inflamed method.

And lastly, I wanted Dale to explain to me why he is with Liberty Health Share.

Again, this post is going to be helpful for those of you trying to decide if you want to join Liberty Health Care for your health care needs or if you want to become a Liberty Health Share Member Sponsor and share it as a business opportunity.

So feel free to spread it around. My email for this is: [email protected] or you can reach me at [email protected]










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