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Your New Radio Show

by John on 06/21/2013

on airSo we’re about to launch a new online radio show.  It will be called Informed Not Inflamed with John Daly.

I need your input.

What guests/experts can you suggest?

What show format would you prefer: 1.) an in-depth interview with a guest by me; 2.) a live call-in show for you; or 3.) both

My topic will be the changing media.  We will cover the new and the old media and its effect on all of us – and how we all participate.  So I need you to give me your topics, your questions, and your interests.  What do you need to know that you don’t get anywhere else?

Let me also know what would make you more interested or more amenable to listening to an online radio show.  Is it convenience?  Is it brevity and efficiency? (If you know me, these will not be long shows, maybe 15 minutes at most.)  Or is it just the topic?

Before you answer, let me give you the details of the show that I can reveal right now.

Everything will be announced in the next few days.

We launch on Tuesday June 25, 2013.

My show will air live on Thursday nights at 7 pm Eastern/4 pm Pacific.  All shows will be archived for anyone to hear after it airs live.

Informed Not Inflamed will be on a channel headed by a national media personality.  I will be among five other hosts with a show on that channel.

I am honored to be chosen and working with this group.  Included in the group is someone I worked with on Real TV who is, to me, a pillar of the industry in his work and his ethics.

So, as always, your turn.  Give.

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